Catching up…

So it’s been a while since I’ve even opened my LJ’s pages and follow up on what people are doing.

Over the past 2 days I have done just that, and it’s fun to watch things develop and happen, things that I had no idea about, no clue and then try to piece together reality again.

I did not make it to iCon this year, for a couple of reasons, which I won’t elaborate on here. If you know why, good for you.
I did, in fact, miss seeing everyone, even though I got a post-con visit from a couple of friends who particularly missed me. That was pleasant.

Thanks to the technology of this Internet thingie, a lot of people have posted pictures and videos, but I don’t know if anyone has seen this one. And yes, I do believe the main focus silhouette is .

It is my feeling that the annual iCon Festival has turned into jsut that. It is no longer a “convention” – where like-minded people convene and meet and discuss, explore and disagree loudly about any topic under the sun. (Yes, I’m sure this still happens, but is no longer the focus.) It is a full-blown commercialized event, and is now a film festival, like we don’t have any of those ever.

My image of iCon was a large meeting of people from different backgrounds, different streams of life, different preferences of entertainment media and genres, and a common place where one can be exposed to more that what they are used to, other sides of a similar or dissimilar concept, a place that no matter how weird you are, there’s bound to be someone weirder right around the corner.

Some of you remember the early con’s. Some of you were there, active and kicking to make it bigger, better. The sheer amount of background chatter I have heard about the pre-con preparation, the suring-con stuff, and not much of post-con issues have been written about yet, make me wonder wht the future will bring. For the past 2-3 years, the organizations have been struggling to find people that will take on the enourmous responsibility of running such an event. It seems to pretty much everyone that no matter what, at least one person will continue to be a major part of the game. Is this a good thing? Yes and no. Experience teaches you a lot, but once a bad habit has set in, it’s much harder to break.

I don’t know where this rant is going. All I know is that I used to be a major player and I am in no longer. I can sleep easier, but there’s a certain amount of “oomph” that seems lacking.


So here I am…

Sitting in Aroma, using the wonders of wireless technology, yet again.

It’s been a hectic couple of weeks, and now’s time to rest a little. Over the next few days, I will be on vacation, and will be pretty disconnected from everything.

At work today I had a nice long talk with our chief systems architect, and I think I may have made an impact on the future. We shall see as events unfold.

Anyways, to all out there, have a great weekend, and if you observe, have an easy fast, and if you don’t, have a nice day off.

Job listing

Technical Support Specialist


Responsible for providing reliable, responsive and appropriate resolutions to the most complex, critical or highest impact problems related to network and data storage systems.


  • At least 3 years proven experience in networking (network switching and routing and knowledge of TCP/IP protocols), and/or high end data storage systems (knowledge and experience in storage NAS and SAN and IPSAN environments).
  • Hands on experience with NetApp and EMC storage arrays – Advantage
  • Native English (or equivalent verbal and written).
  • Excellent interpersonal and conflict resolution skills.
  • Experience in customer service via telephone and web.
  • Strong organizational and methodological skills.

If you are appropriate candidate, message me.

Newsflash: Jesus was actually water-skiiing!

So on Sunday, Yos & I recorded a podcast, but due to hectic week schedules, I have yet to post it.
I hope to do so over the weekend, to allow you crazy sibscribers out there to enjoy the rantings and ravings of a few good men.

While trawling the net tonight, sitting in the guest room of a friend’s place (with a lovely wireless hookup, thank you!), I found an article on some Spaniards and their police training methods.
I do declare, this is one method that I think police everywhere should adopt, as it’ll educate them on how to properly get !@#$ed.

Another interesting article for all of you iPod owners out there, the new, the improved, the better-than-butter iPod Breathalyzer!
That’s right kids, you can be like daddy and take your own blood alcohol level, all in the comfort of your own home.
I can’t help but wonder whether or not this actuall has some practical use – like broadcasting over the FM waves “The driver of the ’67 Chevy is piss drunk, stay away from him!”

And all of this boils down to the Hoff himself. Watch and enjoy.


Interesting Linux things…

So as of late, I have become more aware of some of the more powerful aspect of using Linux as a desktop/server solution.

I have tried the latest release of a nice Debian-based distribution, named Ubuntu.
It’s fairly versatile and the sheer number of community users ensures a large support network, so chances are if you run into a problem, someone else may have had the same issue before.

So my colleague, David, points me to a parody site of a specialized installation of this operating system, geared towards the Christian community.

Now, obviously the parody site is hilarious, but what got me a little more is the fact that there is actually a real distribution out there.

So, a litte digging around helped me find this, a nice response from my Jew-boy brothers out there.

I hope you laugh as hard as I did.

Unbelievable. Again.

So today I left the house, thinking all would be good in the world, and my bike doesn’t start.
So I fiddle with it, and try a few sifferent things, call my mechanic and he tells me to bring it in.

“How, exactly?” I ask innocently.
“Call this dude and he’ll come pick your bike up.”

So I do, and he does, and we go and I pay for “towing” (even though it was on a flatbed) to get to the garage.
Once there, a quick diagnosis tells them that there’s a busted mechanism for the starter and it needs replacing.

I head off to work.

I get a call, and am informed that the parts alone will run me a 1300 NIS bill (no VAT or work charges included, of course).

Augh. I thought I bought a beauty and I really got beast, that is slowly being transformed into a beauty.
But why do I have to foot the bill of this Raggle-tag tranformation?

What? A picture of me???

So it turns out that there’s a promotional site up for the annual Israeli Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Roleplaying festival, Icon.
And amongst the lovely designs and information, there’s a little link to pictures of previous years.
Now, I’ve been known to be an active participant in many things, mostly behind the scenes and making sure certain areas function as they should. This has dropped off in recent years for a variety of reasons, but the memories remain.
I’ve been in newspaper articles, various web sites, and even on Channel 10 news, along with and another friend – the footage is somewhere online, go figure.

And then there was the time that a bunch of us did a Klingon opera. Yes, a Kilngon opera. In Klingon. In full costume, with rehearsals and fighting, and an ending as every good Klingon opera has – everyone dies.
So they have a picture of me (one picture of many others), decked out in the ring.

I never really thought how this would have an impact on me if I ever ran for presidency or something…

“It’s too early.” -Mike

So today has been a long day.
It started out with ‘s and ‘s son finally acquiring a long name, one that he’ll have to grow into, eventually. The bris itself was great, and the ol’ pack got together and we sat around and chatted and such. It’s like sneak preview of what’s to come when and then & get hitched. Much fun to be had by all.

At work I suffered a defeat, as I had to pull it together and finally admit to myself, and then to my boss, that I couldn’t complete a major task within the scheduled time frame, after battling it for over a day and a half. To those that know my style, know I rarely give up, and I know that if I had just another day or two to spend on the problem, I’d be able to figure it out. Instead, I suggested to my boss that we bring in an outside consultant to help out with it, and after understanding the other options, he agreed.

I hate not being able to conquer something technological.
Technology was made by humans, some of whom I am smarter than, and technology is supposed to help us accomplish what we set out to do, in a more efficient manner than without. But when delving into a monster system, which is highly customizable, down to the last little checkbox – that affects everything else, it can get a little hairy at times. Chalk one up to the boys a M$ for making it too hard.

In other news, if you are in Israel and have a GPS receiver of sorts, and something to connect it to, check out It’s a cool open source project that is built on collecting data by people using their GPS devices and then uploading the data to their server, having the data edited, modified and verified by anyone who can, and then downloading the updated map to your device, to assist you in navigating to your next destination.
I think it’s a cool idea. Giving the power of knowledge back to the masses.

Anyways, I’m going to sleep soon.