D00d, I’m in NYC!

OMG, where to start?

Well, this has sure been a fairly eventful week or so. OK – first things first.

Thursday night’s party was awesome – so thank you everyone for coming and partying with us! Over 60 people came through my door and I think just about everyone had a good time. Much booze was consumed, and thanks to Dan’s predictive abilities, we had exactly 2 bagels left over the next morning (which were promptly consumed).

Thanks a mil to Alter & Naomi for Friday night’s dinner (and also to Josh for organizing it, and Shawn & Yaffa for being there to tolerate me one last time).

Thanks a TON to Ruth, who got up in the middle of the night and drove me to the airport.

My flight was thankfully uneventful – I caught up on a few episodes of “The Inside”, slept some, ate some cookies that Batsheva had sent over on Friday afternoon (YUM!), slept some more, ate terrible airline food, and had some fun conversations with my seat-mates.

I got picked up from the airport by my aunt & cousin, and they drove me back to Manhattan. The traffic is horrible – I’m resolved to try and stay on public transport for as long as possible. I’m still unsure which is the more cost-effective MetroCard to get – the pay-per-ride for $2/each or a weekly/monthly? I guess it depends on whether or not I’m planning on more than two rides a day – any advice?

So I’ve spent a couple days recuperating and trying to get on track. Got most of my stuff folded & put away – still a little more to deal with before I have a clean living room.

Last night, I made it to “Avenue Q” on Broadway, and it was a hoot. Little advice: you can get Box Office tickets for about $48 in the Rear Mezzanine, or add another $10 over at TKTS and get much more superb seats. It was a lot of fun, and I’d go see it again anytime.

After I had gotten my ticket at the window, I kept hearing screaming from somewhere around the corner Continue reading D00d, I’m in NYC!

Discount price? No problem.

So today I was out and about in Manhattan, and I met with the guy that sent me out on the quick fix-it job last week in Brooklyn.
He thinks that there is definitely something to develop with me and him. I am guessing that he is looking to finally start structuring the business part of his company and letting someone else deal with the day-to-day client/project/tech team management. We’ll see what develops, as tomorrow I’m meeting with some of his team at a client’s site to discuss some strategy.

After that, I moseyed on around and got lost at Penn Station looking on how to Continue reading Discount price? No problem.

Job opening

My company is looking to fill the following position:

Job Description:
MobiMate Ltd is looking for a MIS person. We are looking for someone interested in working with top edge Mobile technology and software; a committed team player aspiring to grow with the company. The candidate should combine excellence in work, service and human relations. The work consists of providing MIS services to the company, as well as assisting to develop the company’s future products.
An inherent part of the work will be acquire knowledge of our company’s technology and products; while being required to work with the latest mobile/PDA devices and contribute to a young and lively team.

– Service oriented
– Linux OS installation, administration and maintenance.
– Windows OS administration
– Familiar with SQL and databases
– Self learner and open minded.
– Independent in work

– Specific experience with RedHat, Ubuntu, MySQL, Directory servers, Tomcat or JBoss administration
– Knowledge of servers’ security
– Scripting knowledge
– Good written English
– Experience in building IT infrastructure
– Acquaintance with mobile/PDA devices and technology.

CVs should be sent to jobs.mis@mobimate.com

Blog, rolling and more…

So now that I have this new blog, and I’ve chosen a nice simple, clean theme and adapted it to my tastes (so far), it’s time to get down with the nitty gritty of getting the “real” content in.

I’m looking for a good WordPress-compatible image/gallery plugin, one that will actually work. I’m open to any kind of PHP-based gallery, as long as there’s a decent plugin for WordPress 2.0. Any ideas, anyone?

So now I have the option to place pretty much any links I want on my site, and the social conundrum of a “blogroll“, I am going to add some links to anyone with a blog/LJ/site to rant/whatever. Drop a link if you want one posted. I’ll always appreciate a link back. (Tricky part about LJ’s – any friends-locked posts will not show at all.)
The lovely Silvia has asked why Bill Gates has never done any kind of “The Apprentice” TV show. All speculations are welcome.

New blogging capabilities

So I have this new blog, y’see?

And when I post, it get placed nicely at the top of my posts – just like in the past.

But now I have more abilities, capabilities, and when I post, it fires my post over to my LJ as well.

So go ahead and update your bookmarks/favorites/blogrolls/binary address files with my new address: [www.miketheman.net](http://www.miketheman.net).

I expect to be a little more active soon, as now that I have a proper blog.

Also, here’s a nice little clip of our dear Michael Richards, aka Cosmo Kramer of Seinfeld infamy, losing his mind. Continue reading New blogging capabilities

More on the remote usage…

So there ain’t nothing quite like sitting at home on the couch – which is nice and comfy – and watching “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” while happily typing away and setting up a nice new linux server at work, all remotely.
Oh, and sipping some nice cognac, too.

And then i get a call from the office at 11:30pm informing me that some crucial data has been left out of a product that they are supposed to be completing today.
So I Alt+Tab to another window, discuss the problem and figure out what is needed to resolve it, and then set a few pieces of code to run and do a whole lot of work for me. (This is being written while that runs in the background!)
After these are done, I’ll email the files to the office and they will incorporate them into the product and continue the process from there.

Mobilization is grand!

Wireless-enabled and more…

So today I spent the day at the office, as usual, and I completed X amount of work.
After leaving, instead of going home, I stopped at a nice wireless-enabled cafe and continued to handle issues from there, emails, VPN, etc.

I feel like in the three hours I spent there I completed X+40% more work in a much shorter amount of time.

What does this mean? That I am more productive away from the office than actually when I am there?