So now that I have this new blog, and I’ve chosen a nice simple, clean theme and adapted it to my tastes (so far), it’s time to get down with the nitty gritty of getting the “real” content in.
I’m looking for a good WordPress-compatible image/gallery plugin, one that will actually work. I’m open to any kind of PHP-based gallery, as long as there’s a decent plugin for WordPress 2.0. Any ideas, anyone?
So now I have the option to place pretty much any links I want on my site, and the social conundrum of a “blogroll“, I am going to add some links to anyone with a blog/LJ/site to rant/whatever. Drop a link if you want one posted. I’ll always appreciate a link back. (Tricky part about LJ’s – any friends-locked posts will not show at all.)
The lovely Silvia has asked why Bill Gates has never done any kind of “The Apprentice” TV show. All speculations are welcome.