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Year: 2005
My LJ musings
A personal journal or diary has usually been a place where one keeps their innermost thoughts and private musings.
When I started out in the online blogging world, it was on a much smaller, inconsequential site that no longer exists. I kept to myself, wrote under an alias and hid behind the “privacy screen”.
This site had the option for friends, comments, and over time I received comments, and wrote on other people’s journals. Somewhat like LJ has become today.
Everyone kept the identifiable portions of themselves closeted, and we had the freedom of so-called anonymity. And it was good.
Once, I wrote about a recollection of an experience that I had, with one detail too many – a friend’s first name. And from the description, someone else put two and two together, and we eventually got to discussing other matters, and eventually met face to face.
Things changed drastically from that moment on.
I began to withhold my writing, and felt a little too exposed. “My cover was blown”.
So I wrote there less and less, and the feeling of exposure increased.
In early 2003, invited me to LJ – it was an invite-only community back then. I started posting, and I haven’t stopped yet. Thanks, Josh.
Over time, you meet other journals, you find interesting things to read, add more friends, and sometimes find out that other people are actually reading you.
This is the place I can write anything. And I do. I write what I want to write, and I don’t care what anyone thinks.
I write when I want to, and I don’t think I’ve used a Security lock yet. It’s as if I decided somewhere along the line that I am me. This is my platform for my own voice and thoughts. If you don’t like it, leave now or forever hold your peace.
I write, and will continue to write, about anything I want to. Anything I think needs to be committed to “paper”, and who knows? It’s been over two years, and I’m still writing. The community grows, you meet new people, you stay in touch with the old. You make connections never considered possible. You get to know others on a much deeper level. It’s a tool for life, living, and social interaction.
LJ has allowed me to post about my life, and save me from rehashing it with friends when I meet them. They’ve read about it, heard about it, and maybe even commented on it. I ran into a friend who reads my LJ now and then, and he offered some words of support for me that he didn’t feel right putting in digital print. Fair enough. This will never replace the face-to-face interaction we all love and enjoy, but the fact that he knew all about it made all the difference. He said something to the effect of “you are brave for putting everything out there in the open”.
I may be brave, I may be stupid. What I am is true to myself, and that’s all I need now.
I am here. I’m not leaving.
This post was inspired/encouraged by . Thanks for making me think.
personal pain
Arrr, I`ll bite. We be havin’ new show up, check ou’ th’ feed. Th’ weekend picnic be a blast, an’ much fun be had by all.
In other news, I’ve got hooked on Desperate Housewives.
Start groaning now.
I’ve figured it out – It’s a soap opera with a serious hook to catch guys as well.
After hearing a lot of people idolize it, and due to the fact that kindly dumped all the first season on the TV computer, it’s one really riveting show. Check it out – trust me.
Great weekend
I had a great weekend.
My bike looks great – it just needs cleaning, done Friday along with my pal Dan. Takes a good two hours, and it looks amazing.
It looks even better with a good-looking gal on the back. 🙂
So another week to begin – in which I’m going to try to monitor food intake. We’ll see how well that works.
And in other news, the latest show is up!
Check it out and anjoy.
New show, and picnic!
Check it all out on The Real Life –
Quick note
To anyone listening:
1. Forum.Con was great
2. The aftermath of Forum.Con was great
3. The weekend after Forum.Con was great
Just thought I’d let you know.
Wow. We’re really cranking them out now.
We already have another show up.
Our listener circulation is increasing, but nobody ever calls or emails other than . A true friend. 🙂
Get yourself over to and set your podcatcher on “High”
So enjoy the show. It’s short and sweet.
After a serious delay, here is…
The fifth show!
Point your podcatcher software to:
Or just download the MP3 file, like so many others do. Harrumph.
An update
Well, last week we recorded a show, that turned out pretty well, despite the technical difficulties.
I had to seriously edit it, as we had some nasty microphone issues. It came out ok.
Unfortunately, I have yet to get it up on the feed, due to the hosting web site having trouble. Hopefully, this will be resolved soon, and you will all be able to experience the joy and happiness all over again.
This past week we had a really major project to finish on a pretty slim deadline.
On Tuesday, I worked really late, so late that everyone else had left by about 2:30am, and I was still there.
When I finally finished, I gave a call, as she was still up, and we talked for a while. Eventually, dealing with the reality that I was seriously unfit for driving, I went into the office, found an empty one (nobody was going to come in and surprise me in the morning) and curled up under a desk and caught some sleep. This is at around 4:30am.
At about 8:30, the first people arriving to the office kind of freak out because it’s not locked, and the alarm is off, so they start going office to office, looking for who might be here.
They overlook the office I’m in, and an hour later, they make another sweep, and discover me, on the floor, snoring away.
As luck would have it, the CEO walks by right behind them, decides he must know what source of the major disturbance is. Yeah, it’s me.
So they leave me alone, and I wake up about 20 minutes later, and head back to work (grabbing some coffee on the way).
So that really messed up my week – so bad, read on:
I get home Wednesday at about 5:30pm, and seriously crash. I wake up at around 11, get something to drink, and go back to sleep.
Thursday night, I get home, meet up with at his new place, and we head out for dinner. Find a place on Emek, and eat an interesting dinner, drink some, and chat with a couple of gals at the bar.
We also meet Ari and Zev, and discuss possible weekend plans.
So Friday was a nice relaxed day, and Ari, Zev, Yossi and I headed out to Abu Gosh for some dinner at a place called “Abu Shukri”. Great food, and my pal Oded drops by – he and his posse are getting some take away.
We all head back to my place, fun and games, and watch Half Baked. After that, I crash.
Here’s the messed up part:
This morning I wake up at around 9:30. I walk to the kitchen blearily, grab some OJ, and look at the clock again. Realize what time it is, and start preparing for going to work.
After really waking up, and getting things together, I see the date on my phone, and realize that it’s Saturday.
Yell at myself a couple of times, and then sit down to start editing the podcast.
So today has been an “extra” day, and I feel fairly accomplished, even tho I didn’t do much.
Have fun, even if you are being eaten alive by a bear! – MTM
Another show? So soon?
You’re probably wondering how we did it so soon, but it happened again!
Check out for the latest and greatest!