Now THIS is just weird.
I get up, fire up my email, and have this wonderful spam mail come on in:

From: נטלי []
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 6:35 AM
Subject: FreeLove הכריות אחרות
Importance: High


כנס, כן , הא , כן , אהה , זה טוב , עוד ,
כן , אה אה , כנס , עוד פעם , כן , אה , כנס , אמא ,
כן כנס , עוד , אלוהים , כןןן , אה אה , אהה , עוד , עמוק ,
עוד, כנס , כן, אוו , כנס , כן , כנס , כן , אה , כן , אהה , זה טוב , עוד ,
כןןן , הא אה , כנס , עוד פעם , כן , אה , כנס , אמא , כן , כנס , עוד , אלוהים ,
כן , אה אה , אהה , עוד , עוד , כנס , כןןןןן , אוו , כנס , כן , כנס , כן ,
אה , כן , אהה , זה טוב , עוד , כן , אה אה , כנס , עוד פעם , כן…

                                                         רוצה עוד ?

                                                        כנסי ל
                                                        הכרויות “מעמיקות”.

Now, for those who don’t read Hebrew, or for those who just want to laugh a bit, I have used my own wonderful powers of translation to provide you with something that might make some sense:

From: Natalie []
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 6:35 AM
Subject: FreeLove Other Acquaintances
Importance: High

Enter, yes, uhh, yes, ahh, that’s good, more,
yes, unh unh, enter, again, yes, ahh, enter, mommy,
yes enter, more, god, yessss, ah ah, unh, more, deep,
more, enter, yes, ohh, enter, yes, enter, yes, ah, yes, ahh, that’s good, more,
yesss, ah unh, enter, again, yes, ah, enter, mommy, yes, enter, more, god,
Yes, ah ah, ahh, more, more, enter, yesss, ohh, enter, yes, enter, yes,
Ah, yes, ahh, that’s good, more, yes, ah ah, enter, again, yes….

Want more?
Enter [blah blah site]
“Deep” Relationships

NOW, please don’t comment on the quality of my translation.
I just found it extremely funny that we are now spamming sexy TV commercials that show at about 3AM as emails, writing out a scene.
Also, think about what it would look like if you’re a non-native like me. Another visual interpretation of the “Hebrew word “enter” is…… “convention”! So someone is really hard up for some serious convention relief.
Go ahead. Laugh. Out loud. It doesn’t hurt.